You may return any item purchased on For faster return processing, please bring your packing slip, the credit card you used, and the receipt. Go to the Returns or Customer Service department at our website can be returned within 30 days of receipt of shipment.

All product packaging (boxes, manuals, warranty cards, etc.) and certificates of authenticity, grading, and appraisal must be returned with the item. Any items returned without original documentation will be rejected. Before shipping a return, photograph the item for your records.

If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, a full refund for the original purchase price, including any applicable taxes, will be issued in store for returns of new and unread/unopened merchandise made within 30 days of purchase with a store sales receipt with the below qualifications:

  1. Eligible refunds will generally be made to your original form of tender. For purchases made with a credit card, debit card or mobile payment, the original form of payment must be present at the time of return to receive a refund. Store credit in the form of an electronic gift card will be issued if the original form of payment is not available.
  2. Items purchased can for a refund (within 30 days). Exchanges of the items sold at no cost are available only for items of equal or lesser value than the original cost of such item.
  3. Returns or exchanges will not be permitted after 30 days or without receipt or for product not carried by Asaa Medical.

Items That Cannot Be Returned

  1. ealed product that has been opened and/or removed from original packaging may not be returned, unless it is defective, in which case it can be exchanged only for the same product.
  2. Without a packing slip or shipping confirmation printout, we cannot process the return and you will not receive your refund.

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