Dental Equipment

Dental equipment encompasses a wide range of tools and devices used in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of dental conditions. These tools are essential for providing high-quality care and ensuring effective and efficient dental procedures.


Planmeca PlanScan

The PlanScan scanner is the only scanner in the world with blue laser technology, which means highly detailed images are captured to allow for more accurate designs. Blue laser technology, which has a wavelength of 450 nm, is more reflective, resulting in sharper images that allow for more clinically precise prosthetics.

SONENDO GentleWave Endodontic Laser System

Acteon X Mind Prime 3D For Sale

E4D Planmeca Dental Cad-Cam Scanner Complete System

Biolase Waterlase iplus Dental Laser


Zolar Photon EXE Plus 10 Watt Diode Laser

Elexxion Claros 50W Diode Laser

IRIS HD USB 3.0 Intraoral Camera from Digital Doc

SciCan HYDRIM L110w G4 Dental Instrument Washer

Elexxion Delos Diode Dental Laser

Durr VistaScan Mini Dental Scanner

Cavitron Plus Ultrasonic Scaler

Cavitron Jet Plus Ultrasonic Scalers

Biolase Epic Hygiene Diode Laser

Zolar Photon 3 Watts Package Cutting Fiber System

Sirona InEos CAM CAM Scanner

Bego LaserStar T Dental For Sale

Elexxion Delos Er-YAG and Laser System

Sirona Apollo DI Intraoral Scanner

Biolase Waterlase iPlus Dental Laser System

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