Candela Frax Pro Removal Laser


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The Frax Pro system is an advanced diode laser system that delivers highly targeted 1550 nm and 1940 nm wavelengths for dual-depth skin resurfacing. It includes patented SoftCool air cooling for patient comfort.

Candela Frax Pro


The Frax Pro system is an advanced diode laser system that delivers highly targeted 1550 nm and 1940 nm wavelengths for dual-depth skin resurfacing.  It includes patented SoftCool air cooling for patient comfort.

The FDA-cleared, non-ablative fractional device is the first platform featuring dual-depth skin resurfacing with both Frax 1550™ and the novel Frax 1940 applicators. The two modalities target different skin layers, stimulating growth of new collagen, revealing smoother, more brilliant skin. The Frax 1940 handpiece delivers a 1940 nm wavelength laser beam for a shallow, epidermal approach, with focal reach extending to approximately 200 μm in depth. The 1550 nm wavelength of the Frax 1550 handpiece penetrates deeper, with histological analysis showing up to 800 μm penetration. Clinical studies demonstrate high rates of textural improvement and patient satisfaction with the Frax 1550 and Frax 1940 handpieces.

  • Delivers the required density for optimal results in treating skin resurfacing up to skin type V.
  • Unique non-ablative fractional technology uses a software algorithm to set the parameters. It enables the user to set the pulse duration and the energy independently to control the thermal impact.
  • SoftCool sends a focused stream of cool air for greater comfort during and after the treatment.
  • Ergonomic handpiece for operator comfort and treatment visibility.
  • New treatment guide helps position the handpiece optimally for desired treatment outcomes.
  • High ROI treatments mean practice savings.


Candela Frax Pro Features:

    • Non-ablative fraction treatments for effective skin resurfacing and scars, suitable for all skin types with almost no downtime.
    • Dual-wavelength to cover all dermal and epidermal fractional needs as 1550nm mode can reach up to 800µ while 1940nm 80-200µ.
    • Reusable tips that can be autoclaved to minimize the running cost.
    • Soft Cool system that makes the treatment session pass like a breeze.
    • Parameters that can be customized for each case’s needs by controlling density, scanner width and pulse duration.
    • Magnetic speed sensor that allows for hassle-free treatment and stops shooting when the movement speed is too slow & gives an audible alarm when it is too fast.


Package includes: delivery & installation + clinical training + 12 months warranty + marketing startup kit + access to digital service & eLearning applications

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Candela Frax Pro

Candela Frax Pro Removal Laser


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