GE Logiq E9 Ultrasound Machine For Sale


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Logiq E9 Ultrasound


The logiq E9 is the top-of-the-line premium cardiovascular ultrasound machine from GE. It has amazing image quality and the latest features including xMatrix and 4D cardiac. The Vivid E9 is the replacement for the popular and well respected Vivid 7.

If cardiovascular 4D ultrasound imaging is a regular practice in your clinic, the GE Vivid E9 ultrasound machine is an unbeatable, premium ultrasound solution for your medical practice. This ultrasound system’s design and technology offers a multitude of applications and services meant to enhance and supplement the accuracy of advanced cardiac ultrasound imaging, effortless workflow, and advanced quantification.

GE Vivid E9 Ultrasound Machine

 Vivid E9 – 4D Cardiovascular Ultrasound System

GE Vivid E9 Ultrasound Machine cheap

 Vivid E9 Ultrasound

TheVivid E9 machine is GE Healthcare‘s first cardiovascular 4D ultrasound machine specifically designed for 4D imaging – from ergonomics to image acquisition to data management. The Vivid E9 also excels in applications such as abdominal, OB, fetal echo, TCD, pediatrics and much more. Imaging modes includes 2D, M-Mode, anatomical M-Mode, trapezoidal mode, color, power angio, pulse wave doppler, HD flow, Live 3D echo and a variety of others.


This cardiovascular ultrasound machine also produces excellent 2D image quality and great doppler sensitivity with GE’s 4V-D transducer, the second generation 4D probe and the M5S-D probe’s single-crystal matrix array.

the ge vivid e9 transducer

 Vivid E9 Clinical Images

This 4D GE cardiovascular ultrasound machine features Accelerated Volume Architecture platform with 8x processing power of other conventional ultrasound system processing. The Vivid E9 ultrasound also boasts Flexi-Volume 4D acquisition, which captures a full volume of data in your choice of multiple heart cycles to fit your patients. This means you are able to see the entire ventricle, not just a valve. There is no splicing or ECG required for single cycle acquisitions.

ultrasound mavhine acquistion

Flexi-Volume 4D Acquisition

e9 machine volum 4 d

(Left to Right) 4D single-beat short-axis, 4D dual-beat 4-chamber, Multi-beat (3) 4-chamber

Among the GE Vivid E9‘s various applications and tools, this ultrasound machine includes 4D Stress, Advanced 4D user tool box, and Scan Assist.

This cardiovascular ultrasound machine uses 4D Stress to help improve workflow for stress echo procedures, as well as acquire full volume though a three-plane, short axis slice view for easier viewing. With the Vivid E9 ultrasound machine, you can visualize short-axis slices of an entire ventricle under stress.

As for the GE Vivid E9’s Advanced 4D user tool box, it includes 4D Auto LVQ and 4D views, Auto Align, and Multi-Slice imaging, which provides you with a live imaging mode where you can choose between viewing 5,7,9, or 12 slices for simultaneous acquisition and assessment.

ge vivid medic scan

(Left to Right) 12 Slice and Carotid w/ Color Flow Clinical Images

Scan Assist customizes your GE cardiovascular ultrasound machine for your departmental protocols for CRT optimization and lets the GE Vivid E9 guide you to the next view, mode and measurement. By using Scan Assist technology on you GE Vivid E9 ultrasound machine, you can obtain single-cycle or multi-cycle full volumes in any variation of traditional, multi-dimensional or full volume views.

The GE E9 ultrasound machine also offers XDClear technology that helps you deliver incredible image quality on a broad spectrum of patient body types, visualize blood flow without the restrictions of doppler, integrate real-time ultrasound with previously acquired CT, MR, PET or ultrasound images, and visually track your position during a scan. Overall, the GE Vivid E9 with XDclear is a powerful, advanced cardiac ultrasound imaging system that allows you to meet a large variety of other general imaging requirements due to its intuitive, technological capabilities.

the abylity GE Vivid E9 Ultrasound

GE Logiq E9 w/ XDclear Clinical Images

On the physical side of this cardiovascular ultrasound, the GE Healthcare Vivid E9 is ergonomically easy to operate. It is highly mobile; the GE Vivid E9 is 40% smaller and 30% lighter than console-based ultrasound systems. The Vivid E9 also boasts a 17-inch, all digital high-definition LCD display that swivels effortlessly at a comfortable viewing angle. This cardiovascular, 4D ultrasound machine also uses fewer hard keys, making the keyboard smaller and keys larger for easier access. Expanded 4D imaging controls are organized for an easy 4D workflow, with flexibility for future expansion of additional 4D features.

In conclusion, the GE Vivid E9 ultrasound is a highly considerable option if you are looking to invest in a cardiovascular 4D ultrasound machine. Due to the GE Vivid E9’s advanced cardiac ultrasound imaging technology, crisp 4D imaging, excellent 2D quality and ease of data acquisition and navigation, it is adaptable to your everyday medical requirements and specialized medical cases.

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GE Logiq E9 Ultrasound Machine For Sale


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